Why Offshore Programmers Prefer Angular

Written by Santiago Mino

Distributed With Ease: Why Offshore & Nearshore Programmers Prefer Angular 

The Angular Javascript ecosystem is one of the many tools nearshore and offshore programmers have taken to with ease and efficiency. Here are 5 reasons why.


When Google rolled out their Angular ecosystem in 2012, offshore and nearshore programmers were quick to jump in with the new tool—both to retrofit existing web-based applications and to begin building fresh apps entirely in the new ecosystem. 

Because of this surge of popularity, a large library of helpful materials around Angular were developed, which only encouraged more offshore and nearshore programmers to join their peers in using Angular. Now, with the support of Google’s engineering team and an ever-more dynamic programming ecosystem, Angular remains the “go-to” ecosystem for Javascript. Here are five reasons why it’s ideal for offshore and nearshore teams.

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Easy Onramp

The nature of distributed teams means that programmers — nearshore, offshore and in-house — are often added to projects on a rolling basis, and need to be able to jump right into the stream of the work without having to learn to rebuild the wheel. Angular solves this problem with a number of built-in tools which are standardized and easy-to-use (there’s FormControl, hassle-free routing, etc). Which means new nearshore or offshore developers can join a project, understand the code quickly, and begin pulling their weight without a long delay. Anything that adds to efficiency, compliments nearshore programming work!



These days, few programmers build without the assisting force of a Code Editor. Luckily for those who do, almost all the major editors are fully integrated with Angular. Some of those include Visual Studio Code, Sublime text, Angular IDE, Adam, VIM, Brackets, and WebStorm. If your code editor isn’t optimized for Angular... perhaps you’re using the wrong editor! Or at least you may be using a different one than your nearshore programming team.


Unit-test friendly. 

As nearshore and distributed teams become more common, and the users their web apps cater to become more dispersed around the globe, being able to simplify testing procedures and verify the performance of web apps across multiple users, contexts and locales also becomes more essential. Angular takes this into account: since each component of the ecosystem is independent, running quality assurance procedures in a way that tests performability of each part of the application is not only easy to do, but built into the essence of the ecosystem. In other words, you can rest assured that quality can be maintained, even when the folks maintaining it aren’t in the same room (and perhaps especially because they aren’t!).



With a robust network of Angular users around the world constantly discussing the ecosystem online, there are very few “stones unturned” when it comes to Angular. What does this mean for a nearshore programming team? It means ease of communication between new users and old, and it means easy to access resources to help you navigate tricky issues—whether the entirety of your programming team is down the hall, on the other side of a conference line, or fast asleep. The greatest asset to any Angular use might just be all the other Angular users. As they say: it takes a village!



Above all else, Angular was built to simplify the creation of web-based applications in Javascript. It does that. And with the universality and directness of the Google brand behind it, there’s no question that Angular achieves this both by eliminating most of the code developers are used to hammering out with each new application iteration, and by creating quick-to-use alternatives, shortcuts and efficiencies to cut down on time and labor. Whether you use a nearshore or offshore development team or not—but especially if you do—this simplicity is bound to save your team time, and your company money.


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There are plenty of reasons why Angular is the “golden child” of web app ecosystems, and there are plenty of advantages to using it with your nearshore or offshore programmers. So if your project is ready to scale beyond your office, with or without an interest in Angular, there is a Jobsity distributed nearshore software team ready to help you discuss your options. Contact us if you’d like to talk.

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Written by Santiago Mino

Santiago Mino, VP of Strategy at Jobsity, has been working in Business Development for several years now helping companies and institutions achieve their goals. He holds a degree in Industrial Design, with an extensive and diverse background. Now he spearheads the sales department for Jobsity in the Greater Denver Area.