Why Nearshore Teams Use Python

Written by Santiago Mino

Five Reasons to Use Python with Your Nearshore Development Team

Despite being named after the classic British comedy Monty Python (and not the snake!), Python is a programming language deserving of respect, and not laughter. First developed in the late 1980s, the current version is the language of choice for many nearshore and offshore developers working in web development, data analysis, systems admin, and desktop UI. It’s an ideal language for a variety of reasons, none less than its readability, universality and ease of transference. Here are five reasons Python is ideal for nearshore teams, and how nearshore teams are ideal for python!

Readable and Clean Code

Python is known for its simple syntax, which means unlike some programming languages, Python is easy to keep readable and to maintain consistently across multiple teams writing in different office locations, and even in different cities. In addition, because the creators of Python were explicitly motivated to make its code readable, there are many instances in which you can use English words and phrases instead of punctuation, allowing developers to express concepts without having to write additional code. Readability and cleanliness means Python is ideal when team structure and workflow is complicated — a distinct advantage for nearshore, offshore, or any shore.

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Ubiquity and Integration

Unlike some programming languages, Python is available on Mac and PC, with Windows, Linux, and *nix. In fact, it runs wherever Java runs, and CPython can bring Python even further, to the Working C Compiler nearest you. Python can also integrate with Java libraries (popular with programmers at large businesses), and can be used in conjunction with C and C++ for when speed is necessary. What this means for your team is everything: it breaks down barriers for shared work between different contexts, across borders and even at great distance, for both nearshore and local collaboration.

Support and Documentation

Because Python has been around in some form or another for almost three decades, it’s one of the most written about, documented, and deeply understood programming languages. It’s also one of the most widely taught. This means finding Python developers is not difficult, and it means finding support and growth for those Python developers you are working with is also not difficult. So whether you work with a nearshore team, and offshore team, an in-house team, or all of the above, putting developers in touch with a knowledgeable resource base and community to help improve and effectively use Python is not difficult. And nor is finding common ground between experienced nearshore programmers, and those developers you have working at your home office.

Free, Open-Sourced, with a Large Library

Not only is Python widely taught and well-understood, but it’s also easy to learn because it’s free and open-sourced. What that means is, if you want to understand Python in order to bring it into your programming repertoire, you can go right ahead and download it, take it apart, make changes, master it, and pass it on. The effect is that those who do use it are able to compile and share their expertise easily, once again making it an ideal language to use across dispersed teams, nearshore or otherwise. In consequence, many thousands (or more) Python users have created a large, free, library of Python code, so programmers don’t need to create new code from scratch for every little thing, as much already exists online, and is free for the taking. Thus, Python is not only affordable, but it’s efficient, for teams of any size, shape, or location, nearshore, offshore, or more.

The Python Spirit

Yes, it’s a clear and efficient language, it’s transferable and effective. But what about the folks who choose to use Python? Well, they might be the best part of the experience. For many of the reasons listed above, the community that surrounds Python, the “Pythonistas” who choose to use it, and the folks working every day with the language happen to be some of the friendliest, most laid back, and most inclusive bunch of programmers on the planet. So if you choose to have your nearshore team write in Python, you’re likely to both attract the best kinds of programmers on the planet, and to allie your team with the friendliest programmers around. Which means when the going gets tough, there will be an open, honest, and intelligent community at the ready looking to help out. If that’s not an added bonus for your nearshore or at-home development team, I don’t know what is!


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Written by Santiago Mino

Santiago Mino, VP of Strategy at Jobsity, has been working in Business Development for several years now helping companies and institutions achieve their goals. He holds a degree in Industrial Design, with an extensive and diverse background. Now he spearheads the sales department for Jobsity in the Greater Denver Area.